Sunday 7 September 2008

Jeff Katz leaves Fox production

Sources say his new job will involve comic books

Jeff Katz is exiting Fox as vp production to graph his have course in Hollywood waters.

Katz declined gossip on where he is going, simply sources aforesaid his novel job will involve mirthful books/graphic novels and movies.

The executive has on the side co-written DC Comics' "Booster Gold" with Geoff Johns and has made a name for himself in the genre arena. He played paint development roles in the development of the coming X-Men see "Wolverine" and the big-screen version of "The A-Team."

"I'm existence offered an incredible creative opportunity involving my own intellectual property," Katz aforesaid. "At 29 years older with no mortgage or family to support, now is the time to bet on myself.

Fox insiders confirmed the parting was amicable.

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